Discovering Values, Motives, and Life Goals

Want a better life?

More Happiness?  More Well being? How do you get yourself motivated today to improve your life?  How come no one ever taught you this before?

Let me share a secret with you. A secret that the most accomplished people already know.  A secret to living the good life that no one has taught you before.

Archer woman aims her arrow at the target

What is that secret?  — Motivation always starts by deciding what interests you. We call these interests your “Values.”  Set a goal to accomplish something new in that area and you will attain more of whatever you value.  It is a magic formula that really works!

Values + Goals + Action = A Better Life!

Most people want more out of life than what they are currently getting.  But they may be afraid to dream of anything important out of fear that they won’t get it and then will feel disappointed. If you know your values you need never fear again. Values and Goals naturally lead to action. Repeated action leads to results. You naturally move toward what you value. Pura Vida!

Let’s put it in action right now.  Try the following exercise —


Exercise Step One:

Take out a sheet of paper.  Write a list of everything you value.  It may take several pages but it is good to get it out on paper where you can look at it.  Consider what you value in the different areas of your life:

  •    Personal Emotional and Mental Self,
  •    Family and Spouse or primary relationship,
  •    Friendships and Community relationships,
  •    Career and Financial,
  •    Spiritual life
  •    Possessions and living quarters,
  •    Physical condition and health, and

You can add any other area that is important to you.

Our values are what motivate us, they are what we think is important – what we value. Sometimes they are the things that excite us and sometimes they scare us. But they are never boring.  At the Weekly Wisdom Game we cherish learning about a person’s values.

Exercise Step Two:

Write a Goal or two that moves toward what you value.  Just a little one. Small steps lead to greater things.  It is better to make goals so small that you can do them right away and in one event.

Tiny goals organize our actions so that we move toward a better life.   Consider whether you would benefit from having goals to improve in the areas of your values?  When we define our values and work toward improving them, we are working toward Virtues. Virtues are the values that make us better people.  We want to be Virtuous people, right?

When you know your own values and virtues you can more easily stay focused, and you will find many ways to accomplish goals that satisfy your values.  If an action doesn’t serve your values, make you a better person, why would you do it?

When you know another person’s values you can be of better service to them.  You can help them in ways that support their values. You can show them how a proposal you are making helps them satisfy their own values.  You can motivate them to take actions in service of their values. You can convince them to do things that are important to do. At the Wisdom Games this last weekend we learned how to discover another person’s highest values. Values are the key to motivation, influence, getting going, and building trust.

Be aware that there are two types of Values.  Those you move away from and avoid and those you move toward.

The first are the important negatives in life that make us afraid or worried.  We protect ourselves by avoiding them. We need a few of these in our lives. As an example we all have a value for Safety.  We avoid danger. It is important to know our negative values so that we can quickly make decisions to avoid them when we have to make a choice.

The second type of values are the ones that we move toward.  We want more positive values in our lives because they are our desires and help us fulfill our physical, emotional, and social needs.  An example of a “toward” value is Love. Most of us want to move toward more love in our lives.  By listing our positive values we can set goals to take action and move toward fulfilling those values.


Take Action Now — Tiny Action!

Look at your list of values and pick one or two that are most important to you. Choose your highest values and decide to do something to make your life better starting today, starting right now!  Set a small goal that relates to your highest value. Try to find the smallest, next step that you can take right now. Or set a specific appointment with yourself to take this first step toward your goal and your value as soon as is physically possible.

This is the principle of taking lots of Tiny Actions. These are easy to do because they are so small. But you will feel good about accomplishing them, getting them out of the way, and getting the ball rolling.  Then you can do another action because each one is so easy. Do a number of these and they add up quickly. Your life will thank you for it.


You Deserve to Live a Happy Life

I know, easy and great, right?  Why didn’t anyone ever already teach you this stuff?

Happiness doesn’t come so much from momentary pleasure, or from doing activities, or attaining possessions. Happiness comes more from working toward achievable goals that serve your own personal values.

If you know your values and do a little work on them every day, you will be feel satisfaction along the way.  And that will make your life happy. Exciting to begin with!

As you achieve the goals you set, you will see that they move you toward the things you most Value, and that will make you even more happy.  Even more exciting!

Finally, (and this is the best part!)  the most important happiness comes when you look back on your life and realize that you have lived according to your values and achieved many goals that made a difference.


Learn A Lot More

If you would like to Play the Game of Life at a higher level every single day, please consider coming to join us at The Weekly Wisdom Game.

A community of mutually supportive, emotionally intelligent players meets every Saturday in San Pedro area of San Jose, Costa Rica to support one another, do community service, and learn skills and games that grow our ability to live the good life of well being.

Please come join us!  We need people like you with good Values!


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Winning Emotions for Business Success

As Dani learned, stunning eyes, a great smile, and an excellent service are not quite enough to make you a successful entrepreneur or small business manager. You also have to have guts!  

Dani and Keith build a Circle of Determination

Getting past those fears that stop you from being great.

Success comes from gaining the fearlessness to try experiments, learn from mistakes, and face criticism from friends and family who mean well, but fear for your emotional and financial safety. It is not easy starting your own business facing fears like these. If it were, everyone would do it.


Feel the Fear But Do It Anyway

This past weekend at The Weekly Wisdom Games, we helped one of our players, Dani, face her fears and begin to get past them and into action.  

Every new business owner, or even new manager, faces doubts and emotional uncertainties. However, the people who are successful don’t let fear stop them from acting. The fastest and surest way to win at the game of life is to try an action and then learn and grow from the results. Sometimes you get what you want, but most times you keep making adjustments as rapidly as necessary to achieve the results you are committed to.


Powerful Intention Is Emotional

The Weekly Wisdom Games this weekend was about setting your positive intention and moving toward it. By the word “Intention” we mean your aim or goal or plan, and the emotional set that affirms your commitment to that goal. Our game players discovered that intention is more than a mind game; there is a strong emotional component to the determination to getting your desired outcome.  

If you don’t have the right emotional mindset, attitude, and mood, then it is difficult to muster the courage to face what you fear and do what you have to do to feel the fear and do it anyway.  


Jedi Entrepreneur Tricks

To strengthen Dani’s toolkit for facing her particular challenges, we built her a
Circle of Determination.”  This is a cognitive-behavioral technique that uses stimulus-response conditioning to provide new pathways in the mind and emotional sets in the body.  

Then we created a performance state of excellence exactly in the contexts where Dani needed her powerful positive emotions so she can successfully face her challenges. For Dani, her challenges had to do with fears of friends thinking and saying deflating things to her as she makes the move from the safe environment of working for other people to the exciting but risky environment of being her own business owner. She wanted more determination, more strength of commitment, and more fun and playfulness so that she can respond positively and creatively when criticisms come up or when she feels at risk personally.

We had her access memories of times when she was feeling powerfully committed and doing the hard stuff. We asked her to feel them really strongly, as if she were back living that memory in her body again right now, at this instant. Then when Dani could really remember and feel the positive emotions fully in core of her stomach and chest, we had her carry those positive resources into her “green Circle of Determination” by stepping forward into the circle she had imagined. Each time she stepped in to that circle, we showed her how to ramp up the emotions so that she was beaming with energy and empowerment.

After just a few repetitions of this, the pattern was set— her mind and body had learned to associate that imaginary green circle with those positive powerful emotions. We could see the change on her face and in her breathing and posture when she stepped into her Circle of Determination. Her demeanor was so different, so powerful, and so joyous.


Programming the Future

Next we had her imagine some situations where she might like to use this Circle of Determination to successfully face challenges and take productive action. Each time she thought of a situation that in the past might have stopped her, we had her step forward into her imaginary circle and feel all those positive emotions and imagine taking action without regard for fear or concern. This was a sort of mental rehearsal that helps to program the behavior to occur more automatically when we face similar real-life situations.

We could see that this had a powerful effect on Dani. She is an extremely competent professional with a lot to offer her clients. Her courage to face each learning experiment and grow through it to success will make or break her entrepreneurial adventures. While most new businesses don’t make it, with the right attitude Dani is off to a great start, and her commitment to do whatever it takes to learn to be her own boss puts her on the right footing.


Not Just For Entrepreneurs

If you, like Dani, have a project that’s really worth creating in the world, you might enjoy coming to play Wisdom Games with us each Saturday. We are a group of consciously-minded players who use games and exercises to grow ourselves and improve our communities. We would love to have you join us!  


Wisdom Game Meetup Registration:

WisdomGameCR page on Facebook:





Learning to Stand In Other Moccasins

When Jiménez hired Stephen and his two friends to work in his new printshop, he was excited to get an experienced printer who already knew both how to run the offset press and who was also really good at helping customers discover what their print-runs needed to look professional.  The other guys, while less experienced, could learn a lot from Stephen. Everything seemed great for the first few months and the founders were glad they hired well. But after Stephen started taking on ordering responsibilities things seemed to change.

First he purchased so many boxes that they had to store a year’s supply which they didn’t really have space for.  Annoyed by this mistake Jiménez spoke with Stephen and asked him to be more careful about making inventory decisions. They were already stretching the budget too far considering that business was not growing as fast as they had hoped with that corporate franchise shop that had moved in just 2 blocks from their location.  So Jiménez explained to Stephen that he needed to pay more attention to the bottom line and take responsibility for profits not just ordering. Jiménez told Stephen, “You can talk to me any time if you are unsure. Call me.”

Then a couple of weeks later Stephen got an offer to pick up some boxes of special weight paper at a discount and ordered those without asking.  Now this really irked Jiménez. Hadn’t he told him to check in on the big decisions? This time he let Stephen have it. There would be no third chance. After all Jiménez had his money on the line for this business. He was the boss.  Stephen needed to get on board or head on down the road if he didn’t like it.


Another Perspective On the Story

When Stephen went to work for the small print shop they had just opened and the owner asked him if he knew any friends who might also join the team.  Stephen was proud to invite his buds to join the team because he felt like they were going to help build a great business. All went well for the first few months.  But then Jiménez, Stephen’s boss, seemed to change, became a jerk. Was it stress? Or was Jiménez just an inexperienced boss?

Jiménez had asked him to take more responsibility and so Stephen did and he managed to get a decent discount on supplies by making a bulk purchase on paper that they were going to use for sure.  But Jiménez was such a control freak that he got angry that Stephen had made a decision without his approval. And after having asked him to be more of a manager over the other guys.

Which Perspective is the True One?

Does this scenario sound familiar?  I’ve seen similar situations hundreds of times.  When I got asked to consult with this small business the two men were each sure that the other was the jerk.  Communication was strained and both were having thoughts that the other was wrong, maybe stupid, and certainly unwilling to listen to common sense.

We don’t know what we don’t know.  We don’t know what the other person knows.  We think we do because we assume that they know what we know.  So often we assume that they are seeing things the same way we are.  That they have the same goals, the same expectations, the same reactions and judgements that we have.  But they don’t.

Each of us perceive the world through the filters of our individual personal experience, aims, personal values, and habits of thinking. No two people live in exactly the same world. That is what makes coordination of effort so difficult.  This is the number one task of every manager and every member of every team effort, whether they are the “official” leader or not.

You can learn to see the world better through the eyes of those around you.

This skill is a learnable. Rather than imagining that you understand another person’s way of thinking you can learn how to recognize when you are using imagination to fill in what you can’t be sure of, then ask appropriate questions or at least calculate the risk of moving forward without knowing whether you have shared agreement or not.

There are exercises you can learn to do where you step into the shoes of another person and discover what you do and do not know for sure.  You can step out of your own way of thinking and take on another person’s model of the world. Then you can use what you learn by stepping into their perspective to communicate about the differences you discover so that you can clarify and set shared expectations and goals.

This is like sports team members who practice together so that they can run plays so efficiently that they work as a team rather than a collection of individual members thrown onto a field together.  When you understand the thought patterns, emotional reactions, values, habits, and goals of the other members of your team you develop what they psychologists call “theory of mind.”

We have all seen loving couples who have long been together get to the point where they can finish one another’s sentences.  When a relationship works well they recognize not only their similarities but their differences and they learn to expect what the other person is most likely to do. But on a team you are working with people who are a usually very different than you.  These differences can make the team stronger since division of labor is why we form teams in the first place. But our differences also challenge us to work together in predictable ways.



Start by learning how to describe your own patterns of thoughts and reactions.  Then compare those to the people you work with and learn to predict the different strengths that other team members bring to the team.  When things are not working you can do an exercise that will help you discover how their perspective differs from your own.

After observing your own thoughts, emotions, driving values, goals and expectations, then step out of those for a moment.  Change locations in your actual physical space and leave all of those ways you are behind in the place where you were sitting or standing so that you can come back to them in a few moments.

Now move into another physical space that in your imagination represents the other person or persons you are struggling with.  Step into or sit down into this new space as if you were sitting down into the other person with all of their roles, habits, tasks, values, goals, thought processes, emotions, ways of holding and using their body, and even whatever you know of their history.  From this new perspective try to see the situation from their eyes and hear what sorts of things they may be saying in their own head. Note what feelings they are likely having. But hold all of this new information tentatively until you get a chance to communicate with them and ask questions to verify your theory of their mind.

Once you have experienced the situation from inside their moccasins, then step up out of them and move to a neutral place and make a note of all of the ways that they perceive things differently than you do in that first position.   From this more objective perspective you can look back and forth between your original perspective and the perspective you imagine that the other person experiences.

Having made this comparison you can act like a movie director and imagine what information each of those two other perspectives needs in order to come to a shared set of expectations and a shared agreement or commitment. Having planned those it is time to get back together with the real person and check out your imagined theory of their mind and see how accurate your guesses were.

This mental exercise may sound like a lot or work at first, but it get easy once you’ve done it.  Don’t just think about it. Try it for yourself now. Knowing about a mental skill is not good enough.  You must practice it a few times so that it wires new neural pathways of possibility inside your brain. We already know too much stuff that we don’t bother to use. So try it now.

Now by asking questions and clarifying expectations you can work to achieve a shared set of expectations.  This will make their actions less frustrating for you when you experience their differences. And it will help create a synergy that produces quality results.  Your team will begin to play more like a team and that will make the workplace a more positive environment.

A Happier Ending

Once I taught this processes to Jiménez and Stephen they became intrigued by all the differences in how they were seeing each other’s perspective.  They began regrowing their partnership based relationship and promised to help one another explore both of their perspectives each time they worked together.

Their shared vision for the company grew and they gave their local competition a run for the money because they begin to be know for being more efficient, making fewer mistakes, and delivering higher quality work than their competitors.  Most importantly they found a way to come back to mutual respect for one another and that made their organization a much better place for people to work.




The Observant Project Leader

Engineering mindful self observation and mindful other observation

As engineers, it is not the technical problems that drive us crazy. It’s the miscommunicated requirements, the broken commitments, the capricious change requests that make us insane. If everyone just saw things the way we do, wouldn’t everything be so much easier? But they don’t. We’re all different, so we have to compensate for what looks like, from our perspective, other people’s’ “idiocy.”

Poor communication is the cause of most team problems. And that is what we should expect. You were hired for your engineering and technical prowess, not public relations or customer service skills. But if we are going to get through this together and make the project a success, we are going to need to become better observers and better communicators. Surprisingly, that doesn’t start with communication though. It starts with detailed mindful observation so that we can tell when things go off the rails. You can’t fix a problem you don’t see!

In 27 years of running team based projects and coaching project managers, I have come to the conclusion that getting good at this stuff is up to each of us, individually. Observing our own internal and external changes in behavior makes it easier to notice those changes in our team partners. Being able to read their unconscious micro expressions is the most valuable tool in establishing effective communication. It makes it possible to recognize when the words a stakeholder is saying do not reflect what they are actually thinking.

For example, being able to predict that a person is becoming angry, annoyed, tense, tired, motivated, excited, or any other intense emotion, gives you a chance to decide how you want to respond to these stressful situations. You might ask more clarifying questions, take a break to reset emotions, or steer the discussion toward a more detailed description of requirements or commitments, for example.

Observing your own behavior and managing it is different from observing someone else’s. If a manager has just “jerked your chain” for the umteenth time by changing work-product specs while demanding that the deadline must stay the same, it is valuable to observe yourself becoming frantic, so that you can calm yourself before your emotions affect the way you communicate to that manager, or to your subordinates who count on your support.

Careful observation of another person increases your ability to respond respectfully to their mood, when you can read the clues to their emotions. The best professionals depend on this skill to time critical communications so that they are more likely to elicit the responses they need from their bosses, peers, team members, and customers.

We all try to predict how others will respond. But our theory of their minds is only as good as our ability to understand our own mind and notice how other minds differ from us. That is why we must start by studying our self. The Buddhists call this “mindful self-observation” and it is easy to describe but can be difficult to do. We all have a tendency to get so caught up in what we are thinking that we forget to notice that there is an “us” who is doing that thinking and feeling. This is where mindfulness training can help.

Begin by trying to notice what goes on with you at all times. Start with low risk situations and exercise your awareness for short periods like say 4 or 5 minutes at a time. Watch how your own mind works. Not only your responses to yourself, but your responses to others. I like to do this at meetings when I am not the person leading the discussion.

Notice when something triggers an emotion inside you. Notice how you evaluate it as positive or negative, how it is being triggered, what behavior does it manifest in you, and ask yourself, “Is this the behavior that I want to represent?”

If not, determine what you want instead, and take steps to change toward a more appropriate response. Avoid “judging” yourself. Notice what makes you happy or sad, and notice what happens in life that prevents you from being present in the situation before you— what throws you back into memories or forward into future hypothetical possibilities?

The main function of this personal observation is to improve communication between you and your team and to better understand your own attitudes, feelings, and habits of thought.

Researchers have shown that much of communication is nonverbal. To understand another person’s nonverbal behaviors it is paramount that you really understand your own. Then you can pay attention to another person’s body language, understand better how they are reacting, and respond with choice to their total communication. Instead of just the words that they use. Mindful self observation is the beginning of this self understanding.

Once you can watch your own behavior, you can practice keeping up with the content of a conversation at the same time.

Then it is time start to study the other person’s facial gestures, body language, hand gestures, posture, movements, etc. These are almost always outside of the person’s conscious awareness. So if you can keep track of your own inner responses while tracking the person you are communicating with’s non-verbals, you will be lightyears ahead of them in project discussions and stakeholder negotiations. It can begin to look almost like you can read minds. What you are really doing is picking up on their nonverbal micro communications.

For example, there are many ways to say “yes”. Depending on the pitch, tone, rate of speech, and the volume of the way it is said, the word “yes” can mean “yes,” “YES!”, “no”, “maybe”, “I don’t know,” “probably,” etc. Perhaps they shake their head slightly “no” while saying “yes.” People regularly change their outside expressions before they are consciously aware on the inside. This allows you to respond to their experience even before they are fully aware of it themselves.

Learn to watch for the following personal observation clues:

  • skin color changes,
  • muscle tone changes,
  • changes in breathing,
  • lip size changes,
  • changes in posture,
  • changes in voice tone,
  • volume changes,
  • rate of speech, and
  • incongruity between any of these.

When you learn to pay close attention to not only what a person is saying but also to how they are saying it, as well as their outer behaviors that are accompanying their words, you become a powerful force for communication clarity. Like all worthwhile skills, it takes some practice. But as a super-observer you improve your chances of guiding your team and the projects that you take on to real success.


If you find this interesting and would like to learn more, please get in touch. We offer hands-on, experiential workshops to refine your team and management skills, and we specialize in working with technical people and engineers who never wanted to learn this fluffy stuff but were so good at what they were doing that they were asked to lead others. Call or WhatsApp +1-512-507-5464