The 5 most common misunderstandings (Part 5 of 5)

In a survey of communication problems across 34 Engineering and IT projects the following five categories accounted for practically all of the communication breakdowns and confusions that affected project delivery schedules or costs.   Do any of these sound familiar from your experience?

  • Assurances Problems
  • Meanings of Goals Poorly Defined
  • Hidden Information
  • Micro Management / Under Feedback
  • Why don’t they care like I do?

In the last post we addressed internal miscommunications that lead to over zealous, “control-freak” management, and overly-loose management strategies that prevent people from getting the information that they need to become really good their work quality.

Now we turn to the number one most common, avoidable communication error that causes projects to derail, creates costly rework, and negatively impacts careers.  That is…

Number 1:  Discounting Diversity    

By this we don’t mean whether a person is of a particular race, or nationality, or gender.  While that type of diversity may be important, the variety of ways of thinking and behaving that causes the most trouble for engineering projects comes from much simpler differences than culture or gender.

Practically every new leader makes the mistaken assumption that others are like them and therefore should think the way they do (or at least should value the same things they value).   We call this the “most common error.”

Because of this assumption, we mistakenly believe communications have been clear, and we believe we have consensus on requirements, quality standards, timing, or costs, when in reality we do not.  Our assumptions are usually founded upon ungrounded abstractions of language so each party thinks the other understands things their way, but invariably we don’t.

Unfortunately, this is typically not discovered until “declaration of completion” and “review for acceptance” when it can be quite costly and painful to fix.

Recommended Solutions:   Team members, and leaders in particular, need to track what parts of understanding are fuzzy and still undefined, both for themselves, as well as for team members, customers, and stakeholders.

At the beginning of a project, it will often be the case that things will be poorly defined, but it’s necessary that a common understanding based in details that could be seen, heard, and felt (as if they were already tangible) unfold before stakeholder expectations become set.  Checking for shared understanding by asking other people to explain what they understand is one useful skill team leaders can learn to facilitate tracking of ambiguity.  But first you must develop the habit of monitoring how fuzzy your understanding currently is.

Think for a moment about some goal, project requirement, or target that your team is responsible for.  If you had to describe it so that another person could paint an accurate picture of that goal from your description, could you do it?  If not, is their someone on your team who could describe the desired outcome at that level of detail?  Are you sure that that is the same image that your customer, client, or the downstream team that will receive your work products, has in mind?  If not, then it is very likely you will generate a result which others will disagree with later.

As a project progresses new information typically is generated that refines your understandings.  The art of human engineering management is to keep tabs on all of the committed objectives along with the level of fidelity of their definitions as well as the customer’s understanding and expectation of those “requirements.”

The Meta-Model Challenge Questions are another tool that can help leaders to specify the details of any communication, refine the fidelity of requirements representations, and remove the confusions while ferreting out details that are distorted or missing.

This is a set of 5 distinctions you can learn to listen for in your own, or in other people’s, communications that indicate what data is missing, deleted, distorted, or overly generalized. Each trigger distinction is paired with a specific question that, when asked, recovers the missing or distorted particulars so you can fill in the details and build a rich enough shared representation of what is being communicated to be successful.

If you are committed to growing your leadership skills and avoiding these sorts of communication breakdowns, we can help.  We teach the details of the Meta-Model Challenge Questions procedure as part of our Authentic Leadership Transition course.  Like any new behavioral skill, you have to practice to make it a fluid part of your repertoire of interpersonal strategies, but through exercises these interpersonal techniques will come as naturally to you as the engineering skills you learned in school and in your technical career.

We specialize in working with new leaders and project managers who have risen from the role of individual contributor in technical, science,  or engineering careers to become a leader in your organization.   Because we also rose from an engineering background, we can show you the tools that make great engineers and scientists into great leaders.   Why should you have to reinvent the wheel?

These are skills like intentionally building rapport, negotiation for commitments, appropriate assessment, grounded interactions, and communication that guides other’s experience.  Skills like these were less important when you an individual contributor, but they become paramount when you want to become the best leader that you can be.

If you are serious about mastering the skills of leadership, let us show you the way.  Give us a call at +1-512-507-5464.  We provide trainings, individual coaching, and facilitate customized team workshops that will make you successful in your new role.   But we would love to have a conversation with you about your specific needs and organize or suggest a program of learning to meet your particular requirements.

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The 5 most common misunderstandings (Part 4)

In a survey of communication problems across 34 Engineering and IT projects the following five categories accounted for practically all of the communication breakdowns and confusions that affected project delivery schedules or costs.   Do any of these sound familiar from your experience?

  • Assurances Problems
  • Meanings of Goals Poorly Defined
  • Hidden Information
  • Micro Management / Under Feedback
  • Why don’t they care like I do?

In the previous post in this series we learned a couple of questions that help you explore and possibly challenge rules and standards that may keep your work from being a productive as it should be.   Of course, there are often good reasons for rules.  And standards are the heart and foundation for great leadership.  But you must understand them with perfect clarity to make sure your team is really doing the right thing for the right reasons.

In this post, we tackle another of the most common leadership problems that people making the transition from individual contributor to leader so often make — over-management and under-management.  It is important to use the right approach at the right time.

The quality of the results your team will produce depends upon the quality of your communication, both your communications with others and your communication within yourself.  If you miscommunicate with others it will obviously create problems.  But if you miscommunicate with yourself these mistakes can be even harder to recognize.

The most common form of miscommunication with yourself occurs when you confuse the “what” of a project with the “how.”

Let me explain.  To accomplish any goal, a team needs to understand both what they are trying to achieve and how to perform the activities that will create those results.  Taking various resources from some “current state” at the beginning of the process to the “desired goal state” at the end of the process constitutes a set of procedures for transforming resources into a finished work-product.

Engineering leaders often assume that it is obvious to their junior team members how to best accomplish this transformation.  But it may not be obvious to the rookie team member.

The opposite assumption is is perhaps even more dangerous.

New leaders commonly make the mistake of assuming that their team members do not know how to create the appropriate transformation in the most efficient manner.  The manager may think, “I know how to do this, it would be easier if I just did the work myself.”  But that would be a mistake because a leader is no longer being paid for his or her individual performance, rather his leadership role calls for him to coordinate other people’s  efforts.  If a manager did all the work herself, she could never accomplish everything her team should be able to accomplish.

But presuming to tell your people how to do their work is insulting, disempowering, and demotivating if they already know how to accomplish those tasks in a way that produces at at least the minimally acceptable level of quality in a reasonable amount of time, with an acceptable level of materials and at an acceptable level of waste.   So managers must walk a fine balance between telling a subordinate too much about how to do their work and not explaining to them in enough detail exactly what will constitute acceptable accomplishment of work-product requirements.

Number 2:  What vs How      

Engineering, Science, and IT project leaders do not always recognize when it is appropriate to define the process, the “how things should be done,” that will move the project from current state to desired state versus when to only define the target work-product or goal, the “what should be done.”

This issue creates communication problems either by the team not getting enough feedback on a regular enough basis, or conversely, by the leader tending to overly micromanage their staff which generates hard feelings that create ego issues that disrupt clean communication across the team.

Recommended Solutions:  Leaders must assess the capability and maturity of their team members by chunking the project into very small sub-tasks that are less critical, and then assigning these with early deadlines to see how well staff can handle them.

This also provides the advantage that team members get to practice working together quickly and repeatedly on pieces that are typically not yet on the critical path.  This is one foundation of the latest iterative development approaches like Scrum and Agile project strategies in software development.   But they are generally applicable to many types of engineering projects.  To use this strategy effectively, you will have to build in ramp-up time to make this happen, which means you must be able to negotiate these time requirements with your customers and management.

The basic strategy is that your most highly capable staff should be facilitated to define and review the target work-product deliverables, the “what,” in detail.  But rookie staff can benefit from defining both the end goal work-product, the “what,” as well as the process by which they will move from current state to desired state, the “how.”

Review cycle timing for work-products should be defined according to the capability maturity of the individual, not based upon a single standard for the whole team.  Otherwise junior staff will never get the feedback that they need to learn how to be their best.  Additionally, mature staff who are over managed will tend to begin to disengage from controlling their own efforts and provide only the minimal production and quality that they can get away with.

The guiding principle is to over manage beginners.  Then as they prove their capability and responsibility to manage themselves, move toward less management control and more autonomy.  It seems obvious, but many new leaders who come to management from technical, science, and engineering often don’t remember to differentiate between the how and the what of work tasks.

Next time, in the final installment of this series, we will look at how miscommunication can lead you to believe that everybody else around you doesn’t care as much as you do.  Why can’t people just be more committed, like you are?  Then wouldn’t everything work a lot better?


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Do Ethics Create Success or Is that Just a Sucker Move?

In the dog eat dog world of Western corporate interests, being a nice guy often seems antithetical to success.  Our competitive cultural norms create a reality where to be nice is seen as being “soft.”

But what if being nice is more than just the right thing to do?  What if ethical leadership actually creates the long-term conditions for success?

For example, take the extremely successful technical manufacturer, Lenovo.  You may not have heard of them yet.  But you will.


In the past few years Lenovo has become the worlds biggest maker of personal computers.  They are leading the sales to the developing economies of China, India, and Southeast Asia.  All of this growth has been built on the backs of thousands of workers who have burned the midnight oil to get out record sales and shipments this year.

Their CEO, Mr Yang Yuanging, has decided to do what most American CEOs would find unthinkable.  He is gifting most of his three million dollar plus bonus among his workers.

Lenovo CEOWhy should he share his leadership bonus with them?  He says,

I have reason to believe that 60% of our employees are not fully engaged and involved with the meaning behind what they are accomplishing.  If they were convinced that their organization was doing the right thing and cares about them, which we do, I believe they could be up to 30% more effective.  It only makes sense to take care of the people who are taking care of you.  We can make a bigger difference together than all of us could individually.

In the competition driven economies of the West, we forget that cooperation and collaboration almost always create more synergistic value than dominion and force ever can.  People don’t give their best because they feel coerced to; they give their best because they want to.  People don’t work for money first.  They work for meaningful lives.

Part of a meaningful life is authentically “belonging” to something greater than yourself which you believe in and feel proud to be a part of.  By valuing humaneness and commitment to reciprocity we not only make life worth living, we make more profits and thereby improve everybody’s standard of living.

So consider for a moment —

How are you treating your bosses, peers, and employees?  Are you engendering reciprocal respect, or competitive one-upmanship? 

If humaneness and ethics are of interest to you and your organization, we want to hear from you.  Join the discussion or get involved in one of our on-going professional dialogs.

At Technical Leadership Skills, we sponsor individuals and events where technical, science, and engineering professionals choose to explore the development of authentic and powerful leadership skills.  Our purpose is to help people grow and make a difference both to their cultures and to the bottom line, while treating individuals with authentic respect and appreciation.  Give us a call to find out what new discussions we have scheduled. 512-507-5464.

The 5 most common misunderstandings (Part 3)

In a survey of communication problems across 34 Engineering and IT projects the following five categories accounted for practically all of the communication breakdowns and confusions that affected project delivery schedules or costs.   Do any of these sound familiar from your experience?

  • Assurances Problems
  • Meanings of Goals Poorly Defined
  • Hidden Information
  • Micro Management / Under Feedback
  • Why don’t they care like I do?

In the last post we learned about two questions that can help you get various stakeholders to shared consensus about goals.  If you have actually practiced them you probably are beginning to recognize how to improve the quality of information between team members, suppliers, and customers.

In this post we will dive deeper into hidden information and how people’s personal egos sometimes create issues that can spiral out of control.  Now we look at what happens when you don’t have the lay of all the land and are building your map from scratch.

Number 3.  Unclear Starting Point    

Sometimes people may be unclear or “in denial” about the “current state” they are starting from.  They don’t like to admit it, of course.  But it is not uncommon for teams that have been working together for some time to have topics they have tacitly agreed NOT to talk about.  Often this takes the form of, “If you won’t point out these vulnerabilities, I won’t mention your flaws.”

This means that during the analysis and requirements phase of any project, it is important to politely but firmly dig deep into the assumptions that are not necessarily being put on the table, while simultaneously being sensitive to the need for parties to save face.

Recommended Solutions:  Use deep rapport and observation skills to make sure people feel comfortable when asking questions about these ego sensitive topics.  Also, it can help to ask these questions in private or at least with sensitivity to who might lose face. This is crucial.  If you embarrass some team member it will be difficult to regain rapport, trust, and cooperation with them.

Listening for Universal  words like “Always” and “Never,”  and phrases that imply “...this is just the way we do (or always have done) it around here,” are easy cues that should be gently challenged.  Words like “can’t,” “don’t,” “must” and “have to” also are cues that imply rules or standards are at work that may not be explicitly in shared understanding.

Sensitively asking a question like,

  • I’m curious, what is the underlying intention behind that rule?” or
  • I’m confused, what would be the consequence if we decided we need to change that standard?,”

often provides an inroad to understanding the hidden agenda or missing data that tend to derail results at a later point in a project.

If you don’t already have great people skills in sensitive situations like these, you can learn more about Rapport and Observation Skills from Technical Leadership Skills course – Authentic Leadership Transition.

Also, notice that at the beginning of these two additional questions there are short phrases like “I’m curious,” and “I’m confused” that are placed there because they tend to make the question that follows sound softer.  In fact, we call these types of phrases, “softeners.”  You don’t want to come off as challenging the other person’s ego, so use these softener before questions so that you don’t sound like you are interrogating them.  Other softener phrases might include:  “I am wondering…” and “could you tell me please…”

If you will add these two questions to the two you learned last time and find a way to practice them you will be rewarded when the come naturally to you at the time that you most need them.

Next time, in Part 4 of this series, we will explore how the leadership errors of over and under managing often arises out of the communication problem of not distinguishing cleanly between “processes” and “things.”   Once you get the hang of applying this idea appropriately you will be able to fit your leadership style to match the needs of your staff and peers (and even management).


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The 5 most common misunderstandings (Part 2)

In a survey of communication problems across 34 Engineering and IT projects the following five categories accounted for practically all of the communication breakdowns and confusions that affected project delivery schedules or costs.   Do any of these sound familiar from your experience?

  • Assurances Problems
  • Meanings of Goals Poorly Defined
  • Hidden Information
  • Micro Management / Under Feedback
  • Why don’t they care like I do?

In the last post we looked at the importance of getting clear about over promises up front.  It is so important to get in the habit of delivering on what you say you will deliver.

In this post we will look more deeply into Goals and the meanings people make up about them when they are poorly defined.  In each future post we will take on another of these five types of mistakes that create so much havoc.

Although they may sound common sense, mastering each of these will solve the majority of misconceptions, miscommunications, and costly problems that Engineering, Science and Technical Leaders must deal with.  There is no substitute for quality communication and shared understanding to accomplish and succeed where others fail.

Number 4:  Goal Definition Misperceived

Team members (customers and development, suppliers and production) don’t have a shared understanding for goal they are trying to accomplish or create.  It causes a lot of stress if you have rugby players on a soccer field and the customer thinks they paid for an American football game.

Recommended Solution:  The effectiveness of communication is proportional to how “grounded” in tangible, shared reality you can make it.  Models, mock ups, and prototypes help customers to visualize whether you have understood what they are requiring.   But many times the problem is created by talking abstractly about the future goal.

Listening for abstract and intangible descriptions and asking the questions to specify any fuzzy details can make a huge difference.  Try asking,

  • How specifically do we see that going?”  and
  • What specifically do you mean by…?

These two questions, and variants similar to them, are the ones that superior Engineers and their leaders seem to use a lot to drive down to the important details.

Practice intentionally over-using these for a week and you will begin to see the advantages in tangible clarity.


Next time we will look at how and why hidden agenda and people’s ability to fool themselves gets in the way of success, along with what you can do to deal with it.  Until then figure out how you are going to practice these seemingly simple questions each day.



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The 5 most common misunderstandings

…or how I learned to Finesse Language on Engineering Projects to get things done.

In a survey of communication problems across 34 Engineering and IT projects the following five categories accounted for practically all of the communication breakdowns and confusions that affected project delivery schedules or costs.   Do any of these sound familiar from your experience?

  • Assurances Problems
  • Meanings of Goals Poorly Defined
  • Hidden Information
  • Micro Management / Under Feedback
  • Why don’t they care like I do?

Over the next few posts we will look at each of these in reverse order, from least common to most, and suggest actions you can take to avoid these problems on your watch.   Let’s start with the fifth most common behavior that creates business problems.

Number 5:   Assurances given without understanding what they actually mean or entail.  

This most often happens because the team  or sales person, or executive feels they have to “look good” in order to “close” an agreement.  This is the classic “over promising and then under delivering.”

Recommended Solution:   When the other party hints there is going to be a challenge or that they are concerned about a particular problem, believe them!

Don’t claim to be the greatest thing since sliced bread.  Dig in and find out what they might know that you don’t.  And don’t let egos pretend that you can solve issues that the other party has not been able to solve just to get the deal going.

I suppose that there is always hope you will be able to juggle more of the “devil in the details” than they could.  You may be more skilled, knowledgeable, and able to deal with more stress so that you can “fake it till you make it,” but if you aren’t experienced enough to find out up front what those concerns are about in detail, then probably not.

Taking responsibility is a must.  Without taking responsibility, we will never learn because we never admit that there is something to learn.

If you are the technical lead find a way to level with everybody and call out differences of understanding above the table.  Refuse to take responsibility for a project if you are forced to pretend that you know something that you do not.

It is better to do what you have to do now than to get caught in the trap the comes from feigning understanding.  People may argue with you now, but they will definitely remember your ineptitude if you don’t keep to your standards and things go South later.

Next time we will look at how to get everyone singing out of the same songbook when it comes to goals.



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Where to Start When Your Leadership Stumbles

To Get Where You Want to Go, We Always Begin by Recognizing Where You Currently Are


One marketing division of an international pharmaceutical company that I worked with, “off-shored” the development and maintenance of their marketing relationship database to India.  The requirements were shared, but they were not tied to specific test plans.

When the multimillion dollar system was delivered, independent verification from the company’s distributors, who would be the users in the field, indicated that the system “worked as designed” but that the design was not practical or useable in their day-to-day operations.   The project was mothballed without final implementation.

Have you seen a project that turned into a learning opportunity  like this before?

Poor leadership is the most common reason for major business mistakes like this.  There is always a specific individual who is responsible for the Leadership of the team, so even little communication breakdowns point back to poor leadership skills.

Leadership comes down to standards, values, negotiation rituals, goals, and human beings.


Your purpose as a leader is to coordinate the interactions and efforts of a group of people to achieve valuable results that the individual persons who make up that team could not achieve by themselves.

Each individual offers their unique skills.  But to create a synergistic effect that generates valuable results in an efficient manner requires your serious coordination.

You put the goals and standards you negotiate or dictate to your team in place to constrain team behaviors so that results are measurable and therefore manageable.

The rituals you establish with your team will determine your effectiveness as a unit in the larger organization.

The way you treat your people will determine whether your team will find their work meaningful, useful, and fulfilling, so that they will become delightfully engaged and give you more of their best.  Or whether they will obligingly provide only the minimum necessary to get by and reserve their best ideas and effort for after work.


Consider taking five minutes right now to write down what you consider to be your team’s:

  • members
  • values
  • goals
  • standards of practice
  • key processes
  • key measurements

When you put these down on paper (or the computer), you will find that more details will come to you than if you only did this exercise mentally.   These emergent details are the “little devils” that you will want exorcise or negotiate with to resolve the issues you’re facing.

That is why a leader needs to take a step back and clarify his or her thinking on a regular basis.  It is the leader’s job to understand the overall  team scope, boundaries, and interfaces within the larger system that is your parent organization.  But your range of influence is primarily within the details of your teams specific processes and procedures.  As Marshal McLuhan said, Leaders must learn to

think globally, and act locally.”

Let me know what you are thinking in the comments discussion (see the green tag), or to engage me directly, give me a call.

Keith W Fail